How it Works

What Causes Air In Water Pipes with a Well?

Water pipes are meant to pass water and not the air. The simpler it looks, the more complicated it is. Air trapped in water pipes can cause major plumbing issues, including rust and corrosion. As a homeowner, no one wants to experience this ever. But you can only prevent this from happening if you are aware of the potential reasons for what causes air in water pipes with a well.

Before we jump to see how we can get the air out, let us understand what causes the air to get into water pipes and how you would know about it. Knowing this will let you solve the problem quickly and easily.

How would you know there is air in water pipes?

Reduced water pressure, prolonged strange noises coming from the walls, spluttering faucets, and sediments all indicate the possibility of air trapped in water lines. If you do not let the air bleed out of the pipes, it can cause severe damage that you may have to go for replacing the whole plumbing system.

Considering the cost, resources, and effort it takes, you can resolve the issue within minutes and that too yourself.

What causes air in well water pipes?

Remember, it’s a common situation among many households, and you can fix it easily. However, if you do nothing about it, you may have to stop by a professional. Many factors can contribute to air trapped in water lines. Let’s go through them all separately.

Indication of well pump problems

As we are discussing air in water pipes with a well, the problem is highly likely to be caused by the well pump. Examining the well pump will help you detect the issue. You may have to re-prime the well pump, or there can be some other glitches.

In the same manner, if you see a sudden drop of water pressure, you need to check out the well pump. There might be some components that need repair or replacement.

Leakage in water well system

From one end to another, leakage at any spot can lead the air to get into the system and cause complications. Loose valves, fittings, improper installation, and the use of inapplicable units all will allow the air to enter the water system. Similarly, leakage in water lines or piping will create an issue.

The leakages will also cause low water pressure, and it’s a sign that you must check the system.

Low water levels

A low water level in a well is one of the main causes of air in water pipes. If there is no water in a well or the water table fluctuates, the air will get into the lines. It usually happens when there are a large number of wells in nearby areas or when there is a drought.

It takes time for well water to replenish, and you should rather wait for it instead of pushing the pump to draw water.

Air pockets

Another reason that gets the air into water lines is due to the air pockets created by your water heater. Normally, spitting stops, and a steady stream of hot water flows from the faucet after some time. But, if it continues, you must call a professional plumber, as dealing with hot water can be dangerous for you.

How to get the air out from water pipes with a well?

So, a lot has been discussed about what causes air in water lines, but how can you get out of this problem. It’s important to get the air out, or it will damage the plumbing system completely.

Remember, if you get to know there is air in the lines, you should act immediately before it turns into a greater problem.

If you are ready to get the air out, let’s do it.

  • The first step includes turning off the main water supply lines. Confirm that you do it with all connected valves.
  • Starting with the lowest, turn on all the faucets of your house. Hot and cold, leave no fixtures unopened. Ensure that the toilets are flushed at the same time.
  • Let the water flow through for a few minutes after turning on the main water supply line. You can close the faucets once there is no spitting sound and you are done.


From leakages, low water levels to issues with the well pump, there are several reasons that cause the air in water pipes with a well. But, as you can see, bleeding the air out is a super easy and quick process. If you notice air in the plumbing system, you can get it out on your own. In case it doesn’t help, don’t wait to call expert plumbers.

Next time you see spitting sounds while you take showers, do not get frightened; it’s just the air in water pipes.