How it Works

How to Prime a Water Well Pump

Getting your pump ready for operation, have you been priming the water well pump the right way? Remember, it is an important step, and if you do it wrong, you will end up losing the game, i.e., you will damage the water pump permanently. So, before you do anything on your own, read this article and learn how to prime water well pumps the right way.

What is priming in a pump?

Whether or not you are pondering what this fuss is all about? Priming simply means preparing something to get it to start. Priming a pump involves filling it up with water so that it works effectively. Air is removed from the pump and suction line with the help of this process.

In simpler words, water is drawn up from the well to your water lines by creating a vacuum-like pressure.

It is also worth stating that not all well pumps need priming. Take an example of submersible pumps; they are already installed within the well, so they don’t need to be filled with water. On the other hand, surface pumps need to be primed in order to function at their best.

We will share why it is so important to prime a pump; first, let us discuss how you can do it.

A guide to priming a well pump

We will walk you through the process of priming a shallow well pump, or you can say non-submersible pump. As we proceed, keep a check on the well pump for cracks, leakage, or any other damage. Let’s now go through the steps.

  1. The first step involves checking the pump for any previous damage. After verifying that all is good, then you go for priming. To start with, disconnect the power source and remove the plug as well.
  2. Following, you have to decipher where the valves are. Keep a manual on your side so that you can take help if needed. Open the release valves so that pressure does not build up in pipes while you are working.
  3. The next step involves attaching a water hose to the hole. It should be easy to attach. If you don’t find the hole, see it around the priming plug, and you will get it.
  4. Once the hose is attached, turn on the water so that the well pump is filled. Let it fill completely and make sure that it’s clean water. It will start to run off once the well pump is full.
  5. Once full, you are done with the priming process. Place the plug back to the position and reconnect the supply.

So, this is how priming is done in five easy and simple steps. Probably you wish you’d read this information sooner. But it’s never too late. Now you can prime water well pump yourself and that too the right way.

Why is it important to prime a water well pump?

In order for the pump to function properly, you need to do priming at the first installation, and then it isn’t needed unless there comes a problem.

In case you start operating the pump without priming, the pump may run, but there will be no water pressure. If you continue to operate like this, the pump will get damaged permanently.

Thus, it’s necessary that you prime a water well pump before you start to operate. After reading this article, you will be able to prime a well pump yourself, and you can see that it won’t cost you anything. But if you call in a professional, you have to pay a hefty amount.

Furthermore, if you are not priming, it would be another huge loss for you since your water pump would be damaged.

Also, note that submersible pumps do not need to be primed.

How much water do you need to prime a well pump?

An important question that comes into our mind is how much water is going to be needed to fill up one well pump. Well, there is no precise quantity defined; a gallon or two would be more than enough. Remember to fill the pump completely, and the water should be clear of all dirt and debris.


Simple and straightforward, that’s how we say the steps are when it comes to priming a water well pump. There are no technicalities involved, nor do you have to be an expert. Priming a water well pump is extremely important and yet super easy; pouring water into a pump is what you all have to do.