How it Works

Why Does Hot Water Look Cloudy

Washing dishes, clothes, or taking a bath, hot water is needed for a variety of tasks. The water is supposed to be clean and clear of all impurities for whatever the use is. While we do have a filter system installed, and it’s coming directly from the water heater, why does hot water look cloudy?

Are there any impurities left behind? Is it the failure of the filtration system, or is there anything else? It’s important to find out.

How would you feel like taking a shower with hot water, and all of a sudden, you see cloudy water coming from the showerhead, whereas the cold water seems to be clear? Is it normal for hot water to look cloudy, or do we need to examine the water for contamination? It becomes more important when you use hot water for drinking.

If you are worried about the same issue, let’s get over it now and know why hot water looks cloudy and whether it is safe to drink or not.

Typically, the presence of minerals causes the water to look milky, but if the problem persists only with hot water, there might be some other issues.

Given the importance, let’s get straight into it and see what causes the hot water to look cloudy.

Why is my hot water cloudy?

Most often, the water turns cloudy due to the dissolved oxygen bubbles, and it will dissipate after a few minutes. But, if the water continues to be cloudy, it indicates some serious issues. Hot water can look cloudy due to several reasons. The most prominent causes are discussed below.

Heating the water

Heating the water is itself a reason that results in cloudy water; the thing is to find out why it happens. For that, you need to understand a basic scientific principle. We all have studied that water is made up of gasses named as hydrogen and oxygen.

The heated water molecules expand and trap other glasses that look like air bubbles, which is why water can look cloudy after it has been heated.

Sediments build-up

Over time, it is common for water heater tanks to accumulate sediments as the water coming from the sources contains some form of minerals and other deposits. If it is hard water, you will face this problem more often.

The sediment in the water heater will make the water look cloudy, but it results in many other problems, such as hot water running out quickly. 

The issue of sediments requires you to clean the water heaters tank by flushing out the water once in a while.

Dirty aerator

If it’s not related to water heating or the water heater, the problem may lie within a faucet. A dirty aerator can also cause the water to look cloudy. It is another common issue, and cleaning the aerator will get it resolved.

If cleaning the aerator doesn’t help, inspect pipes and make sure they are free from residues.

Is cloudy water a cause for concern?

If the hot water looks cloudy for a few minutes and clears after that, it is not a cause of concern. However, if you notice cloudy, hot water for a long time, it can be a serious issue, and you must inspect it.

The detection is super easy, and you can do it yourself. All you need is a small container, and you should be able to clearly see-through.

Fill the container with hot water and let it sit for a few minutes. You will enjoy watching this as the water settles down.

In case the water gets clear within a few minutes, it might be the oxygen bubbles.

However, if the water takes longer to clear, there might be sediments present in your water. In this case, you must get your water tested before drinking because you never know the type of sediments the water is contaminated with.

Try this with all hot faucets to find out if the problem is not caused by dirty aerators. A dirty aerator may cause cloudy water from one faucet. If it occurs in all of your faucets, you may have a problem with your plumbing or hot water heater.

How to fix cloudy hot water?

The first step toward fixing the issue is to find out the cause behind it. Once you detect what causes the hot water to look cloudy, you will be able to fix it quickly. The solution will mainly include replacing the aerator from the faucet or cleaning the water heaters tank. Either one of these will probably solve the problem.

If you still see the hot water look cloudy, do check out the water filtration system and see if it’s working fine. Repair or replace any component that you think will make the system run efficiently.

Furthermore, you might need a water softener in case your water is hard. This will eliminate the cloudiness and other contaminants, if present any.


Cloudiness in hot water is a common problem faced by homeowners. Though we are conscious about drinking water, we do not accept cloudy water for use in other household chores. However, this is not something to worry about since it can happen due to sediment buildup, a dirty aerator, or there might simply be oxygen bubbles.

Whatever the cause is, the more important thing is to get rid of this problem, and that too is easy and simple. Do share the article with anyone you think needs to know why does hot water looks cloudy.