How it Works

What Type of Fire Can Be Put Out Safely With Water

Has it ever happened that you tried to extinguish a fire with water, but it kept blowing up instead? Well, that happens because not all fire types can be extinguished with water. The fact is that there is more than one kind of fire, and not all of them can be extinguished with water. It’s important to find out what type of fire can be put out safely with water so that you do not cause it to blow out even more.

Fire incidents are common all over the world, whether they are in residential buildings, commercial areas, or open spaces. Since the nearest people tend to respond as first responders, in most cases, they use water to suppress the fire.

Due to our ignorance of the fire types, we often make the fire more terrifying. As the incident can happen at any place and at any time, we all must be prepared and well-informed about the particular fire types and what are the fire types that can safely put off with water.

Without any further delay, let’s get into the details of it.

Types of fire

To find out which type of fire can be put out safely with water, we need to go through the types of fire. The types are divided into five categories known as Class A, B, C, D, and K. No need to be exaggerated as only a few people know about the fire types. Together we are going to learn it and see what they are.

Now it’s crucial to understand the basic difference between these types and why they are needed to be treated differently. We are also going to see which type of fire can safely be put out with water.

So, let’s get a brief overview of each type below.

Class A

The burning of a specific material is what actually makes the difference. With regards to class A type, it involves the burning of ordinary solid materials. It can be anything from wood, plastic, clothes, or paper.

A class A fire is the easiest to extinguish compared to other types, and they are usually caused by small errors, for example, a candle falling over a piece of cloth or other solid objects.

Class B

Class A burning material involves a solid object, but class B fire type includes fire that erupts due to flammable liquids. Alcohol, tars, oil, and petrol are all examples of liquids that are flammable. However, cooking oil is not included in this type.

Class B also involves flammable gasses such as propane or natural gas. You may have experienced class B fire type while working in the garage.

Class C

Another common type as it involves a fire that blows up because of electricity. It can happen due to a short circuit, old wiring, or when you connect a faulty device.

If you ever encounter a class C fire, the first thing you should do is disconnect the power supply.

Class D

You may not have seen a class D fire since it involves flammable metals. Examples of flammable metals include aluminum, uranium, potassium, and magnesium. They are typically found in large industries and are placed in a controlled environment.

Class K

Remember, we have excluded the cooking oil from class B; it is because the fire produced by cooking liquids or fats falls under the class K fire type. Your kitchen is the place where you may have experienced this type of fire.

Which type of fire can be put out safely with water?

Since now we have an understanding of fire types, it’s vital to know which one can be put off safely with water.

For a clear picture, we are going to see the case with each class.

Fires of Class A are produced by or involve solid substances, and they can be safely extinguished with water.

Fires of Class B do not go out with water; rather, they are made worse by spreading flammable liquids, which increases the severity of the fire.

The class C fire type cannot be extinguished with water because the water conducts electricity, making the situation even more dangerous.

Due to the fact that certain metals ignite when exposed to air and water, it’s not safe to use water to put out class D fires as well.

Talking about class k fires, water should not at all be used in this case as an extinguisher.

Thus, the only type that can be put out safely with water is class A fires.


Among the five types, there is only one type of fire that can be safely put out using the water. As most of us are not aware of these, the first thing we use is the water to extinguish the fire, and as a result, a minor incident is converted into total chaos.

In any case, you should immediately call on emergency and get help from professionals as they can deal with the situation in the best possible manner.

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