Home Automation

What are Smart Vents? How do they work?

Operating from our homes has become a part of the new normal. While the whole family is doing their stuff from home, it is essential to have a comfortable environment. That is why you need smart vents for your smart and hardworking folks.
They are an ideal addition if you want to create a premium lifestyle. Besides being a fantastic home innovation, these devices also help you save energy costs and conserve the environment. In simple words, smart vents are a unique blend of comfort and conscience.
In this article, we have explored the various aspects of smart vents.

What are smart vents?

Smart vents are intelligent home innovation devices that regulate airflow. These vents when installed, in any part of the house, control the airflow and temperature of that area automatically. You can direct the functioning of these devices through planned schedules and mobile apps.
These also help you save energy and related costs. Assume you are leaving a room and don’t want it to overheat. In the case of traditional vents, you will have to shut them manually, which may not be safe. But with smart vents, you can close them with a click of a button.
If you connect these vents with other smart appliances, such as motion sensors or home assistants, in that case, you can get a complete smart home experience.

How do smart vents work?

Like every intelligent home gadget, smart vents also use the internet and sensors to operate. You can plan how you want to operate the vents. For ease of use, you can also control them from your phone.
Essentially, smart vents maintain the temperature of your homes by regulating air flows. You can get these installed where ever you need them the most. The best part is you do not have to change the entire system or apply it to the whole house. So if you are on a budget, you can still get these.

Advantages of smart vents

Smart vents make your home cosy and provide you with great comfort. They are a perfect addition to your next home renovation project. The following are the advantages of a smart vent system:
⦁ They provide accurate heating or cooling conditions, so you don’t have to put up with an uncountable temperature.
⦁ They are easy to install, and the process is hassle-free.
⦁ You can install these in any part of your home instead of the whole place. It will help you save on energy costs.
⦁ When connected with motion sensors, the vents will function according to the size of the crowd in a room.
⦁ You can control the system with a smartphone application. The app enables you to prepare schedules for the vents that direct their operations.
⦁ The app also allows you to control the vents remotely from any location. All you need is a stable internet connection. This feature is beneficial if you have aged people, kids, or pets at home.

Disadvantages of smart vents

Smart vents make your life easy and comfortable. Yet, like all appliances, it also has some downsides. After, some research here is a list of disadvantages of smart vents:
⦁ While installing smart vents, you also have to upgrade and get a smart thermostat. It would mean that you now have two thermostats, one for the smart vents and the other for the HVAC system. An upgrade in the thermostat will add to our cost as well.
⦁ Two thermostats can impair the HVAC system. Assume a vent is closed although the HVAC is running. It creates a backdraft and can damage the system.
⦁ Few smart vent models have some in-built filters that need frequent maintenance.
⦁ Sometimes the vent’s motor, actuator, or levers occupy space inside the appliance. It restricts the airflow and alters temperature.

What factors should you consider before purchasing a smart vent?

Getting smart vents can be a pricey affair. Before you proceed, do not forget to see what factors you must consider. Here is our list:
⦁ If your room has duct openings, check that you get the right size of vents. Measure the size manually prior to purchase.
⦁ If you want to build a smart home and already have smart gadgets like appliances, voice controls, or speakers, ensure that the new vents are compatible with the existing systems.
⦁ Do not forget to verify the kind of batteries smart vents will need and confirm how frequently they must be charged.

What accompanying devices would you need with a smart vent?

If you want to get the entire smart home experience, here are a few things to add to the list. First is a smart thermostat that integrates with the smart vents and controls the HVAC system. Furthermore, it also saves energy.
But, if you don’t want to get a smart thermostat, you can opt for a temperature sensor. This device connects with the smart vents and operates them depending on the room’s temperature. You can place these on the vent or any other place in the room.
Next, we have motion sensors or proximity sensors. These detect the people’s motion or presence in a room. After installing these, the smart vents function on their own, letting out warm or cool air.
At last, if you want to control the vents with voice commands, then attach them to home assistants like Alexa and Google Home and see the magic happen.


Smart vents can be a spectacular addition to your home. It makes the space classier and lavish. At the same time, it also saves you money in the long run and is a safer option than traditional HVAC vents.
There are multiple brands available in the market offering different models of smart vents. We say that before you choose the device, make a list of pros and cons according to your home. You can also review the alternatives and select the best-suited option. We hope this article has answered most of the questions you had.