How it Works

Water Heater Electric

Gas water heaters have been here for ages, but it’s now time to bring a change, and for all the good reasons. Well, it’s been a long time since we’ve had electric water heaters in the market. The use of electric water heaters has been on the rise ever since, and we thought to give you a brief overview so that you use them effectively and safely, as it’s the electricity we are dealing with.

The consumption of gas always keeps our heads boiling as it ends up increasing the utility bills in the end. Plus, if the gas leaks, it can become too dangerous.

With an alternative available to us, we are going to fully utilize it. Moreover, using a gas water heater would not be practical in very cold areas since gas does not rise in cold temperatures.

For whatever reasons you were thinking of replacing the gas heaters, an electric water heater should be your choice. Let’s read on to discover more.

Electric water heater

We need to use warm water for a number of tasks in our day-to-day life, especially when it comes to living in cold areas. Let’s not rely only on natural gas for this.

As the name implies, electric water heaters run on electrical power, and they tend to be more efficient than gas heaters. The opinion may vary for all, but it’s evident that an electric heater has the ability to provide hot water in an instant.

How does an electric water heater work?

Water heater electric works in a similar manner as gas heaters. However, the only difference is that electric heaters heat up the water inside the tank using the electric heating elements, where the electric heater needs to be plugged into an electrical switch to supply power.

On the other hand, a gas water heater consists of several elements such as a gas valve, a thermocouple, and many other different parts.

What are the pros of an electric water heater?

Though not using natural gas, it needs electricity to run. So, what are the actual benefits here? There are so many. Let’s discuss a few of them.

Instant hot water: Unlike the gas heaters, electric ones can provide you with hot water in a matter of seconds. Whenever you need hot water, plug the switch, and you are good to go. It saves the need for running a heater for a long time.

Environmentally friendly: Electric heaters save on energy and are eco-friendly since you can supply power using renewable energy sources.

Easy installation and operation: You will get an idea of it just by seeing the size of them. With easy installation, electric heaters require less space, and you don’t need to ignite the pilot light. With easy operation, you only need to plug in the switch, and it will start to work. With no flammable byproducts, electric water heaters are also safe for use.

Less maintenance: Where the gas heaters consist of several parts that need regular maintenance, electric heaters don’t need you to keep a regular check. Flushing a tank once in a while is sufficient.

Additionally, there are a few cons to consider. For example, electric water heaters take longer to heat up if there’s a lot of demand, and all the hot water is used up. Further, the cost of an electric heater might be higher in your region as compared to the gas heater. The other downside is that you won’t be able to enjoy hot water if there is a power outbreak.

Aside from that, the running cost can also be higher depending on the electricity price.

How long does an electric water heater last?

Today’s models of water heaters are the most advanced, but still, there comes the point where you have to go for replacement. On average, a gas water heater lasts 8 to 12 years if taken proper care of. In comparison, the electrical water heater lasts up to 15 years. It can further increase if you keep it in good shape and condition.


Electric water heaters are giving conventional water heaters a run for their money, and rightly so. Their benefits provide an effective alternative to gas water heaters. From simple installation to ease of use, electric heaters are also eco-friendly.

If you are fed up with repairing and fixing issues with gas heaters, an electric heater can prove to be a good replacement. Since now you know the details, it is upon you to make a decision.