Home Improvement

How Do You Test for Radon in Your Home?

Do you know the fact that the United States Environmental Protection Agency has rated Radon as the number one cause of lung cancer for people who do not even smoke? It must have raised your eyebrows, right! Well, it must be, as Radon is a gas that you cannot see, taste, or smell, and exposure to it for a period of time will lead you to the deadly disease of lung cancer.

While there are symptoms by which you can recognize the person affected, but by the time symptoms start to show, it gets late, and treatment becomes quite difficult. Starting from the place where you spend most of your time, it is important and essential that we all know how do you test for Radon in your home.

Without getting anxious about it, you can find out the process to test for Radon in your house here in this article. Stick to it, read out till the end, protect yourself, your family, and make your house radon-free. Before we move forward, if you want to know more about Radon gas, you can check out here What is radon gas?

Test for Radon in your home

Radon is dangerous for all, no matter the age, from children to adults; if exposed, you are going to face serious health risks. It is, therefore, necessary that you test for Radon in your home before anyone in your family has to go through the sufferings of it.

While testing is the only method to find out the level of exposure to Radon, the process of testing is easy, and you can do it yourself. However, it can be done the other way as well.

There comes a test kit that is used in this regard. Although you can get the test kit at the nearest home improvement or hardware stores, you can also buy it online. However, the radon test kit may differ from each other; instructions are provided on how to use them with each test kit.

How to test for Radon yourself?

If you want to take the test on your own, there is nothing to be worried about. The process is simple, risk-free, and will not need you to put your time and energy into it.

For the first step, it is assumed that you have got the kit from the nearest store, or you have one already at home.

Open the kit, and as instructed on the package, there will be a small measuring device that you have to place somewhere at the lowest level of your home.

Make sure that it is placed away from children and pets so that the device can function at its pace. Other than that, keep your windows and doors closed while the test is being performed so that it does not affect the results.

Remember that the test might take a few days’ time. The longer it takes for the test, the chances are that accurate the result will be.

After the test is completed, you have to send the device to the address mentioned on the kit, and within a few days, you will have the report in your hands.

If the result is not as per your expectations and is showing the presence of Radon, find out here what is the best way to mitigate Radon?

What are the other ways to test Radon in your home than doing it yourself?

It is completely normal if you don’t want to test it by yourself. On every occasion, there are other choices that you can go for. Read out the ways below.

  • Other than doing the radon test yourself, you can call in a qualified tester at your home to do the job. In order to find a qualified tester near your place, contact the State Radon Office, and you will get all the details.
  • The other way of doing the testing is by calling private, professional testers. There will be many serving in your zone. From doing the testing to providing you with the results, there is nothing you have to do in between.


Radon is dangerous for consumption, and because of its odorless and invisible nature, you cannot feel the presence until you do the test. A home is a place you devote the most time and reside with your family. The first place you need to test for Radon in your home, and this article lets you know how do you test for Radon in your home. Save your life, follow it, share with others, and watch over that you are breathing in a healthy environment.