
Is well water safe to drink?

Not long ago, well water was the only primary source of drinkable water, and with time, we have developed multiple streams. However, we still have wells in our surroundings, and even private wells are common all over the world, but the question that arises is well water safe to drink or not?

A well utilizes groundwater, and the same water is supplied to your homes by public community water systems or municipal departments. This gives us an indication that well water is safe to drink as long as it is ensured that the water is not contaminated. With the right set of precautions and measures, we can drink the well water and as well as use it for other everyday chores.

You are at the right place if you are looking for more information on the topic; as here in this article, we are going to highlight different aspects of well water and will see if it is safe to drink or not.

You may think that why does it matter to check water quality; it is crucial because it directly relates to your health. Let’s explore what health issues we face due to poor water quality.

Well water problems and related health issues

Water is a basic necessity for every living being on earth, and you may have heard famous advice to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. It’s reasonable, easy to remember, and is enough to keep you hydrated on a normal sunny day. But, on the other hand, you need to check on the water quality and see if it is healthy to drink or not, and if it’s polluted, you are prone to get serious health issues in no time.

There are some chemicals that are commonly found in well water, it includes nitrates, lead, or hydrogen sulfide. Besides that, the presence of germs and bacteria makes water polluted and undrinkable. If consumed, this can lead to several diseases such as gastrointestinal illness, abdominal pain, reproductive issues, or even it can affect neurological disorders. Children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with a weak immune system are at higher risk and may get sick immediately after consuming the contaminated water.

Additionally, consuming unclean water may also lead to affecting thyroid gland function, blood vessel damage, diarrhea, body pain, and other common problems.

Polluted water will also affect the liver, kidney, and other parts of the body if you continue consuming it for a certain period of time.

Other than that, well water may also contain an excess amount of minerals such as iron, and this becomes an issue as an extra amount of anything can influence water quality.

Considering the health risks, we return back to the main question: is well water safe to drink? Let’s find it out below.

Is well water safe to drink or not?

It mainly depends on the quality of well water, and it differs from place to place. Other than that, the conditions of the well, the tools or equipment that you use, and the surroundings give you an idea of the cleanliness of the water. However, getting the water tested from the certified laboratory is recommended.

Generally, the well water is safe to drink, though testing gives you the assurity of its cleanliness and purity.

One wonders how often you need to test well water. Well, it is suggested that you must get your well water checked from the laboratory once a year. However, there are some elements that may perhaps impact your well or the water quality. It includes flooding, rain, upgrading a well system, maintenance, or if there is an event or human activity nearby. You should conduct water testing after such events and when you feel a bad odor or change in taste of water.


Well water is good for your health provided that it is clean. The best way to determine whether the water is drinkable or not is to get it tested from the verified laboratory. The water may look clean from the naked eyes, but it might contain harmful germs that are invisible. Drinking unsafe water will result in immediate sickness and may lead to serious health issues, and therefore, testing is necessary.