How it Works

How to Tie Dye A Black Shirt

Every other article or blog talks about tie-dying a white shirt or a shirt with light colors, but what if you want to dye a black shirt? Well, there is nothing to worry about as here you will know everything about how to tie-dye a black shirt.

Before we move forward, there is a misconception among people that you cannot dye a colored shirt. Make yourself clear about it; not only can you dye a colored shirt or even a black shirt, but we will also show you how you can do it yourself.

The procedure to Tie-dying a black shirt

The process is obviously going to be a little bit different than what you do with white or light color shirts. To dye colored shirts, there are typically two methods.

The first way is applied if the color on the shirt is pale. In this way, you dye right over it, and the outcome will be a mixture of both.

Black, however, is a color that still creates black no matter what combination of colors is added to it.

To dye a black color shirt, you first need to remove the color using the bleaching agent, and then you dye on the areas where the color is removed. The process is often called reverse tie-dying.

So, to die-dye a black shirt, the first step is going to be the reverse tie-dye. Let’s jump directly into it and see how you can do it the easy way.

Reverse tie-dying

To begin with, we have to remove the black color, and for that, we are going to use the bleaching agent. Bleach works the best in this regard, but you have to be vigilant when working with it.

Note that bleach is a form of hazardous chemical, if exposed to it for a longer time, it can cause irritation, and even it can burn your skin or eyes. Moreover, if inhaled, it can damage your lungs badly.

What makes the bleach helpful in removing fabric colors? It is the chemical element known as sodium hypochlorite that is present in the bleach. Considering the powerful impact, a small amount is enough for this process. Anyways, below you will see how to use it effectively and safely.

Tie-dying with bleach

When you have decided to go with tie-dying a black shirt, you have to go through the bleaching phase first. Before you move ahead with that, it is necessary to check that your shirt can be bleached.

Not all types of fabric can be bleached; it will damage your clothing completely. For the tie-dying process, use only the cotton fabric as it works with bleach as well. You can also check the garment label to certify whether you can use the bleach on your selected shirt or not.

If you are still in doubt, use bleach on a small portion of the fabric to check its reaction. We are emphasizing this point because we don’t want your favorite shirt to be ruined.

Get a regular bleach and see if it needs to be diluted or not. There are quite a few types of bleaches that entail you to add water before use. Feel free to check the bottle label if you’d like to confirm and dilute if necessary.

The bleaching process should be carried out in a well-ventilated area, so there is no chance of you inhaling the chemical.

Working with bleach can turn out to be total chaos if you are not careful and attentive. Follow the safety protocols and wear clothing that you don’t mind ruining so that you are on the safe side. Plus, don’t forget to wear protective gloves and safety glasses as well.

Tie-Dying a black shirt

Going with the flow, dying a black shirt will require folding and tightening it with rubber bands as per the design you want to achieve. The Tie-dye pattern is largely going to depend on how you fold the shirt. Take time and see what design you want on your shirt.

Once you are done with folding and bending, it’s time to apply the bleach. Pour the bleach into a squeeze bottle as it will make it easier for you to apply.

Apply it carefully and evenly on all sides as per your pattern design, and then let it soak for a few minutes. You will see the black color fading away. After that, detach the rubber band and rinse your shirt unless the water is clear. Next, you can tie-dye the black shirt with the colors you like. Tada! You have finally tie-dyed the black shirt.


A bit different from the traditional method, tie-dying a black shirt requires a few additional steps. You no longer need to limit yourself to white shirts only. Show your creativity and bring the best out of your wardrobe. The only additional thing you have to deal with is bleaching, and by following the safety precautions, there is nothing you cannot do.

Next time someone tells you that you can’t tie-dye a black shirt, refer them to this article so that they know the correct procedure.