How it Works

How to Shower Without Hot Water

You may already have a water heater installed at your home, but at times it happens that you do not get the hot water even for a shower. This can be due to a faulty heater, from having guests in your home and having more hot water consumed, or for any other reason. The point is to be prepared anytime to shower without hot water? How will you do that, given that you don’t take a cold shower regularly?

The same might happen when you are staying at someone’s place, on Airbnb, or even in a hotel. Without hot water, it becomes difficult to manage the situation. However, if you know how to shower without hot water, you won’t have to be embarrassed at all. After all, taking a shower helps you start your day with full zeal and energy.

We are not here to talk about the benefits of taking a shower but to help you learn the way to take a bath when there is no hot water available.

So, let’s get straight into it and see how to shower without hot water and without getting you sick or feeling cold.

How to take a bath without hot water?

Even if it is just to shower with cold water, starting the day without a bath is never a good idea. But, there are a few practices that you can utilize if there is no hot water available. Let’s discuss them one by one.

A kettle bath

Do you have a kettle at home? Let’s use it for a bath, but how. A kettle bath starts with filling a bath with cold water. Turn off the tap once it’s half-filled. After that, we are going to pour hot kettle water into the tub.

A few kettles of hot water will bring the temperature to a normal. Of course, you can keep on adding more hot water from the kettles, but this is going to take a lot of time. So, it is preferred to use a limited amount of water that helps you get ready and go.

If you have a steel water basket, it can hold more water, and you can boil it up on the stove. In this way, you won’t have to boil the kettle multiple times, and even one steel basket will do the work.

Keep in mind to handle the boiling water with care, or else you will have a bad experience. As you dip into the bathtub, make sure the water is not too hot.

A quick shower

A quick shower technique involves taking a bath in just a few minutes. Turn on the showerhead and increase the pressure as much as it can. Our bodies will be wholly rinsed since we are going to put ourselves under high water pressure for a few seconds.

Now turn off the shower or point it away from yourself. Apply shampoo, soap, or any other thing that you usually do, and then again put yourself under a high water pressure shower head.

Rinse off completely and turn off the water as soon as you complete. Immediately grab a towel so that you don’t feel a cold.

The increased water pressure will not make you feel too cold for as long as you are under it. So, this technique does work when you have to take a shower without hot water.

A pro tip here is that first wash your head and then your body.

Take a cold shower

If you have decided to take a bath no matter what, cold water is an option, and many people find it intriguing to shower in cold water. Nevertheless, taking a shower in cold water brings numerous benefits, and an occasional cold shower is completely fine.

It is said to improve blood circulation, metabolism, and also the immune system to fight common diseases. Turns out bathing in cold water makes you healthy, energetic, and strong. Plus, a cold bath is beneficial for the skin as well.

However, do not try a cold shower if you are already sick or you have been told to bathe in warm water only.

Rest aside, it takes time to build a habit, you may find it difficult to take a cold shower in the beginning, but you will get used to it after a few trials.


How to shower without hot water is no longer a riddle now. You can embrace taking a cold shower, or you can try warming up the water using a kettle; either way is fine as long as it helps you take a bath.

Next time your water heater fails to do the job, do not make a lazy face and avoid a shower. Do try any of the above methods and see if it works.