
How to Grow an Olive Tree

As more and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of planting trees, most of us are looking for an easy way forward. A tree that requires minimal care, protection, and maintenance; we all have been searching out for how to grow an olive tree.

Though growing an olive tree is easy, but in the initial stages, it requires you to put an effort in order to make it grow to its full extent and become a healthy and flourishing tree. All you need is the right set of instructions to do the job in a correct manner, and with this article, you will find all that you need to know about how to grow an olive tree. So, stick to this article and read it carefully to make sure your olive tree grows fully and provides you with plentiful fruits.

Growing olive trees

It’s not like that you plant a seed in your backyard, and it will grow on its own. There are several factors involved that you have to take care of to ensure that it grows without any trouble. Let’s read out the important requirements below.

Suitable climate condition for an olive tree

Each tree is different, and therefore the requirements differ for each type. For an olive tree to grow to the best, the ideal climate is hot and dry summer, and to bear fruits; it needs a mild cold environment. Keep in mind that extreme cold can damage the tree, and therefore, planting in areas with a cold temperature is not preferred.

Where to plant an olive tree?

Considering the suitable temperature range for olive trees, you can plant the olive trees at any location or region except the places where the temperature reaches extreme cold. Other than that, a place where a tree can get at least 7 hours of sun exposure is best for planting an olive tree.

The other factor you need to see when choosing the location is to check out whether the soil is well-drained or not. Olive trees do not grow in areas with waterlogged soil.

On the other hand, when it comes to the best time to plant an olive tree, it’s not the hot summer. Instead, it should be grown in the spring season.

How to plant an olive tree?

When digging a hole, the thing you have to check on is that the diameter should be the same as that of the root ball. The upper layer of the root ball should lie just above the ground level. Keep in mind that you need to take care of the plant until and unless it is not mature. With a slow growth rate, it takes years for olive trees to take shape. After 3 to 5 years, you will see the tree bearing fruits.

Tips for olive tree care

Initial years count the most and that is the time, care, and concentration is required the most. The stronger the base, the longer the tree will live and will bear more fruits. Other than taking care of the above points, there are a few tips and tricks that you should know about how to take care of an olive tree.

Water is a primary necessity for every single living being, and the same goes for plants and trees. When growing, an olive tree needs regular watering in all seasons. However, the quantity mainly depends on the weather. When established, the roots can take care of water needs from the ground.

Adding fertilizers or any other chemicals when planting an olive tree is not required. It is best to let the roots accommodate naturally with the soil. However, make sure that you do not plant an olive tree in heavy clay soil. Rather it should be well-drained, as mentioned above. Use nitrogen-rich compost if you feel it is required.

Olive trees do not need pruning as much as any other trees. It does not mean that you do not get rid of dead branches. Prune lightly as required.

Just like any other plant or tree, the olive tree can also be affected by pests and diseases. Keep a check on these and take suitable measures at the right time.

How big your olive tree will get is determined by the variety of trees you plant. Make sure that you know about the specs and choose the appropriate variety accordingly.


With all these points in mind, there is another thing you should be careful about, and that is choosing the suitable type of olive tree. Several types of olive trees require cross-pollination, and for that, you need to plant two different varieties. While you also have a wide variety of olive trees that are self-fertile.

All in all, growing an olive tree is going to be beneficial in different aspects, and therefore, you should know how to grow an olive tree the right way.