
How to Get Rid of Possums

Possums can help control pests by eating insects, but they are so annoying at times that they can be a nightmare to live with and this brings us to look out for how to get rid of possums from our homes and yards once and for all.

Trampling house plants, eating your pet’s food, poking around trash bins, and above all of that, spreading dirt, debris, and disease. These are a few of the reasons that make them beyond endurance. So why stress yourself more? Bookmark this article and read it thoroughly when you are ready to finally get rid of possums.

Ways to get rid of possums

No matter where you live, these rat-like creatures can enter your house and make your life miserable. You may already have heard about different ways, but not all of them seem to be effective. Therefore, we are only going to talk about the way that has been tried and tested and proven to be successful.

But before you try anything, there are certain things you need to do. Firstly, make sure that it is possums you are dealing with and not any other creature. You can identify this by possum droppings and by their appearance. Once you are affirmed that it is possums, start with the following steps to get control of them the best way.

Identify and remove attractions

When the doctor says prevention is better than cure, the same rule is applied when it comes to getting rid of any kind of pests and animals. If you are annoyed by the presence of possums, identify what attracts them to your house in the first place, and then remove those attractions.

Possums, in general, are attracted to garbage cans, uncovered food, fruit plants, and other things that they like to eat. Similarly, they tend to live in bushy homes or damaged buildings.

Now as you know what possums are attracted to, it’s your time to take necessary actions. Make sure the dust bins have tight lid covers, and there is no food left outside uncovered. Moreover, keep your house organized by keeping it neat and clean and if you have a yard, it should be well-groomed.

Block entry points

You may see possums roaming around your house in search of food despite removing the attractions. If this happens, you need to implement the second step and that to block all entry points, allowing the possums to enter your house.

Inspect your house closely and mark all those points from where possums can enter the home. Especially note down chimneys, vents, damaged doors/windows, pet doors, and any other holes or gaps.

Fix, repair, and close all entrances and leave no point to allow possums to have entered your house. In the same manner, trimming tree branches is also required as possums can easily climb and reach the top, entering your house from the roof.

Moreover, if there are any hiding spots, make sure to remove them so that possums do not stay inside in any way.

Apply repellent solutions

The problem arises when you have a lawn outside the house and that is where all the mess happens. To make sure you stay safe from possums, it is necessary that you make them go away from the lawn. Trimming plants and trees is one way of ensuring this, but it is not the only method.

If this is something you are faced with, try applying the chemical repellents that you can easily get from the nearest store. These repellents may vary from brand to brand, you can choose any type as long as it provides results. Read out the instructions written on the backside before you apply any of these chemical solutions.

Set up auto-repellents

By auto-repellents means something that can drive possums away from your premises automatically. Motion-activated sprinklers or electric repellents lie in this category and work seamlessly to scare possums away from your property. These are made eco-friendly and can be set up easily in and around your house.

Set up a trap

Trap and bait system, you will be able to catch them easily. The only thing that matters here is that you make sure you place the trap along the common route possums take and, in the meantime, you keep the pets and children in your sight as they might fail your trap to catch possums.

Install a nesting box

If you have a soft heart and don’t want to make possums go homeless, but you are also affected by the nuisance they create. Offer them an alternative home by installing a nesting box. But it should be at a distance from your home, or else there will be no benefit.

Call in professional wildlife control

If you are unable to take control by any of the methods discussed above, do not keep yourself at risk and call-in professionals for help. They will take care of everything from removal to exclusion.


See how easy it is to get rid of possums from your property. Once you have made your mind, it will take only a few days to toss out all the possums around. From setting traps to removing attractions, the above-mentioned ways will also help in preventing possums to appear again. But for that, you need to be careful that you keep your house well-organized and in good shape, including your lawn. Is there any other easy method you know about? Let us all know about it.