How it Works

How to Clear Lungs of Spray Paint

Though spray painting is the easiest of all, it comes with a heavy risk, and that is how it affects your lungs. The impact of spray paint fumes cannot be neglected. The chances are, you are going to inhale paint fumes in one way or another, and you will get your lungs affected.

Is it possible to reduce the risk or to treat the problem? Well, there is a way and if you want to know about it, keep on reading how to clear lungs of spray paint.

Just to be on the safer side, you are advised to wear a mask when you are applying the spray paint. It will block the particles from entering your lungs and will keep you safe. Preventing exposure is better than treating the issue afterward.

However, if you are exposed to it for a long time, there are ways by which you can clear your lungs of spray paint. Remember, if you do not treat it well on time, you will end up being in the hospital. So, save yourself from screwing up and find below the techniques you can use to ensure that your lungs are free of spray paint.

 How to clean your lungs of spray paint?

There will be cases where you inhale spray paint fumes despite following the safety protocols, and if it happens, you should not be worried about it as long as you are aware of the techniques to get rid of paint effects from your lungs. With attentiveness and patience, you can treat the problem like it never existed. So, stick with us and read out the techniques below.

Inhale pure air

Starting with the easiest method and what you can do immediately, if you feel like you inhaled the spray fumes, go outside the place, and breathe in the fresh air. When you inhale pure air, the breathing process will help remove paint particles by breathing out. Remember not to do it strangely, be normal, and you will see the difference.


The goal is to remove the fumes from your lungs, and exercise is one of the most effective techniques in this regard. As you exercise, the respiratory rate will increase, improving the blood circulation and supply of oxygen to the muscles.

If you aren’t able to go for physical exercises, begin with breathing exercises. Without putting in much effort, you can perform many kinds of breathing exercises. If you are regular with this, you will see an improvement in your health overall.

Avoid using scents

When exposed to spray paint, you have to be extra careful for the next few days. For this reason, avoid using any artificial scents as they can become a source of causing further damage to the lungs. In addition, do not approach the area where spray painting is being done.

Air purifiers

Air purifiers help you neutralize paint odors present in the environment. This will make certain that you always breathe clean air.

In this way, you can use spray paint inside the home without being worried about inhaling the fumes.

Steam therapy

Another excellent way to clear up your lungs of spray paint. Steam therapy opens the airways and allows you to breathe freely. Improving respiratory performance, steam therapy also helps you remove mucus from the lungs.

Inflammatory foods

There are certain foods that, if you consume, help remove the effects of spray paint from your lungs. These include blueberries, olives, beans, turmeric, and beans. Furthermore, green tea also helps in this matter.

How to Spray Paint Safely

No matter what techniques you have to clear your lungs of spray paint, it’s always better to be preventive and avoid inhaling the paint particles in the first place. As you use spray paints, you should keep a few tips in mind. By taking benefit of these, you can avoid inhaling the paint spray.

  • Spray paint should be used in a well-ventilated area, ideally outside if possible. If you happen to use it inside, open the doors and windows and allow the air to pass through.
  • Respiratory protection is a must when you use spray paint. Wear appropriate masks, and other protective gear as spray paint also affect your skin, eyes, and other body parts.
  • The spray paint should be pointed towards the object and not on you. Remember, lungs are not the only organs it can cause damage to.
  • Make sure you don’t get paint on your skin and get it off your hands immediately.


The spray-painting process is fun, creative, and it seems harmless and straightforward, but spray paint can emit toxic fumes. Since there are no immediate symptoms, your lungs are most vulnerable as you breathe in paint fumes without knowing it. But it is always a good idea to clear your lungs every time you do the spray-painting project.

The process is pretty straightforward, though it does require your attention and a bit of time. Go for any of these tactics and let us know whether you felt better or not.