
How Often To Water Strawberries

Juicy, sweet, and delightful strawberries are the true blessing on earth. Enriched in minerals and antioxidants, strawberries bring numerous health benefits and are good for the skin too. This all brings us to find out about how to keep the strawberry plant flourishing so that it can grow to its full extent. In that context, watering plays a significant role, and here we are going to talk about how often to water strawberries.

Watering is most important for any plant to thrive, especially in the early days of its growth. When they are in season, strawberries provide a delicious reward for yard owners and make an attractive addition to their landscapes. Understanding the water requirements will allow you to take care of the plant in the best possible manner, and you will be able to enjoy the strawberries in the fruit-bearing season.

Water requirements of strawberries

In order for strawberries to stay healthy, moisture levels must be maintained at a delicate balance. Not watering on time or overwatering, both can lead to severe damage to the plant.

How often to water strawberries depends on quite a few variables. For example, if strawberries are grown on the ground, the watering time will differ from the ones planted in a container. In the same manner, a few other factors affect the watering frequency for strawberries.

Growth and development of plants are severely compromised without the right amount of water at the right time. After all, a healthy plant will reap the healthy fruits. So, let’s discuss the factors involved and get to know how frequently you need to water strawberries.

Factors affecting how often to water strawberries

How often strawberries need to be watered depends on a variety of factors. It will differ from watering new plants to watering established ones, depending on the soil type and whether you are growing in containers or on the ground.

The variables that make a great difference in how frequently to water strawberries are as discussed below.


There are three main variants when it comes to strawberries. That are short day, ever-bearing, and day-neutral, the water requirements for all are different from each other. If you aren’t familiar with plants, these might be the new terms for you.

To make sure you understand it better, here is a brief overview of each type and what makes the difference.

Short-day: During the times of the year when daylight length is shorter (late fall until early spring or is less than 12 hours), short-day strawberries produce their largest yields.

Ever-bearing: Flowers begin to form on strawberry plants when days are 12 hours long or longer.

Day-neutral: Day-neutral strawberries bear fruit all year, with the exception of excessively hot weather. Their fruiting season usually runs from the month of April to October.

In fact, the plants need more water when they are bearing fruit. So, once you know the variety, you will know when you need to take care most about watering.


Plants typically have deep or shallow roots, and when it comes to strawberries, they are known to have a shallow root system.

The point of concern for shallow root system plants is that they dry out easily when it’s warm outside. A shallow root system can cause plants to wither and dry out sooner as they become too hot and can’t hold on to moisture. Mulch helps preserve dampness in the soil, so we usually apply one on top to prevent this.

Additionally, you will easily learn when it’s time to water your plants if you notice the soil is dry.


Although most strawberry varieties require full sun, there are a few shade-tolerant ones as well. Considering this, the water requirement will be different.

Other than that, whether you are planting in the ground or a pot also matters a lot. A ground plant will need frequent watering as it has more space to spread.

In conjunction with location comes the surrounding environment; if it’s warm, watering of the plant will be necessary more frequently.

How often should strawberries be watered?

Taking into mind the characteristics of the strawberry plant, they need regular watering. A hose drip or soaker hose must be used to water strawberries at a noticeable distance. When fruits are ripening, watering becomes even more essential. It is crucial to keep your soil consistently moist but not soggy in order to grow healthy, juicy strawberries.

You can determine when it needs to be watered based on the soil condition. Remember that plants may not be able to make it if not provided water for even a few days. Don’t overwater strawberries, but keep a balance.


Strawberry shake is a favorite breakfast for some people, and if you are one of them, you know how crucial watering is to keep them looking fresh, juicy, and healthy. Aside from the maintenance, regular watering must be ensured.

If you water your strawberry plants each morning, you will quickly develop a habit. Plus, keep checking for soil and water if it’s dry. The strawberries will take care of you if you take care of them.