
How Much Water Do Cows Drink

Milk, dairy products, food, pastures, and compost, there are numerous benefits of owning a cow. But to reap all these benefits, a cow must be well-kept and should be provided sufficient food and water. It is as essential as for humans. You can skip the food for one time, but you shouldn’t let the cow go thirsty. Continue reading if you are wondering how much water do cows drink.

For every living being on earth, water is a basic necessity, and without it, there is no survival. When it comes to cows, we all know where the milk comes from. For that reason, the water requirements for a lactating cow will be much higher than for a dry cow.

Besides, there are a few more factors involved when it comes to water consumption for cows. For example, age, sex, weight, and most importantly, the weather conditions they are in play a crucial role.

Talking about an average, a cow drinks anywhere between 3 to 30 gallons of water in a day. As said earlier, the exact figure depends on a number of factors.

Let’s find out what are the factors involved so that we can keep our cows healthy and sound. After all, we are getting an excellent return in terms of benefits.

How much water do cows drink in a day?

There is no hard and fast rule to give an exact figure when it comes to water consumption for cows. However, an estimate can be calculated by analyzing the factors involved. Get along with us as we proceed.

Starting with the weight, an average adult cow weighs around 1200-1600 pounds, and considering this in mind, as you increase the weight, the water consumption will also be increased. The same is the case with temperature. If it is warmer outside, the more water the cows will drink.

The next factor is lactation. Lactating cows consume twice the amount of water compared to dry cows.

Another factor involved is the feed itself and how much moisture it contains. Pasture and silages are high in moisture, whereas the grains are low. So, what you are feeding the cows is also going to impact their water consumption. A high-water content feed reduces cattle’s water intake, as simple as that.

Based on the above figures and statements, an average cow normally requires nine to twelve gallons of water each day. With factors involved, such as moisture in food or the weather conditions, the water consumption can range from 3 to 30 gallons per day.

Remember that the water is needed for fetal growth, lactation, and as well as what is lost through excretion in urine or sweating. Without water, cows won’t be able to survive for long.

How long can a cow survive without water?

Cows must drink sufficient water, and it’s important not only for their well-being but also for their growth. Insufficient intake of water will lead the cow to severe diseases such as constipated manure.

Talking about how long a cow can go without water, only a couple of days, you can say. A cow needs to have access to water after every six or eight hours. They may be able to go healthy for as long as 24 hours, but after that, they will start showing signs of dehydration.

If 48 hours pass with no water, a cow won’t be able to make it for long, and anything can happen after that.

Not only is it important to make sure cows have access to water throughout the day, but also, it is necessary that water should be clean and safe for drinking.


Providing sufficient, clean, and safe water to your livestock, whether you are a livestock producer or you have a few at home, is important for their health and growth. Keep in mind that nine to twelve gallons are required in a day; however, the consumption can be reduced if cows are provided with a diet enriched in moisture and kept in a cool environment.

Rest assured, if you address their needs and requirements, you will definitely reap the rewards.