
How Long Can A Horse Go Without Water

It doesn’t matter if you have one horse or you own a farm; keeping them fit and healthy is what matters the most. Whether you are preparing them for horse racing, or you love to go horse riding occasionally, a healthy horse is better than hundreds of sick horses.

Like other creatures, the horse also needs water for survival. Since horses are physically active, it is important to ensure they have access to water from time to time. But how long can a horse go without water? It’s necessary to find out so that we can ensure they are not dehydrated at any time. As well as that, if water is not provided for a certain period of time, there will be severe health risks and, ultimately, death.

So, before you cause any harm to the horse in any way, do read out the article and find out how long a horse can survive with no water.

Water requirements for a horse

Water is a basic necessity for every living being, and if they do not drink water for a particular time, they will certainly die. The same goes for the horses. Not only do you have to make sure that the horses have access to drinking water, but also you need to ensure they are drinking sufficiently.

If a horse refuses to drink water, it should be a matter of concern. Water is not only important for the digestive system but also for keeping the horse healthy and fit at all times. The lack of water will lead to dehydration and ultimately will lead to life-threatening conditions.

How much water does a horse drink in a day?

On average, a healthy horse drinks about 5 to 15 gallons of water in a day. However, there are certain factors that impact horse water requirements. For example, weather conditions and how much a horse is involved in physical activities may increase or decrease the water intake.

Moreover, horses drink less water if they are provided with fresh pasture, as it contains a high amount of moisture. On the other hand, the water intake will increase if they are fed dry feedstuffs.

In any way, you must ensure they have access to freshwater throughout the day.

How long can a horse live without water?

Life would not exist without water. As far as horses are concerned, they can only live for 3 to 6 days without water. However, they will start feeling dizziness right after 24 to 36 hours. After 48 hours, the horse will start showing signs of ailments and pain. Similarly, the horse might refuse to eat anything else after the two days.

A horse can survive without water for only three to six days. However, if a horse is kept without a feed but is given freshwater, they can live for up to twenty-five days. That’s how important the water is for the horses.

What to do if the horse refuses to drink water?

Since water is so vital to the health of horses, you must keep a check on their water consumption, and if they aren’t drinking enough, you must encourage them.

Horses are known to be highly sensitive to the smell and taste of water. Most often, the horses refuse to drink water when it’s not fresh or clean. So, providing them with freshwater is the easiest technique to encourage the horse to drink. Moreover, you can add flavors in water and see if it helps.

Remember that you can’t force a horse to drink, but you can only encourage it.

Nevertheless, if you notice the horse not drinking enough water or showing signs of dehydration, you should seek veterinary care since underlying health issues can also negatively affect water consumption.


A healthy horse can go without water for up to 6 days at max, but they will start showing weakness right after 36 to 48 hours. You might not be able to see a horse go through the suffering caused by the water deficiency.

No matter how many horses you have in a herd, make sure to keep an eye on and do not let the horses suffer from dehydration by providing them clean, palatable water all year-round.