Home Improvement

Where Should a Continuous Radon Monitor Be Placed?

As per the World Health Organization, 3% to 14% of all lung cancers in a country are estimated to be prompted by Radon only. Let alone the warning shared by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which says that radon is the first leading cause of cancer among non-smokers.

Are these facts raising the alarm for you? Of course, it is. Above all of that, it is of more concern to know that radon is a radioactive noble gas that has no color, taste, or smell through which you can recognize its presence. The only way that you can find out if there are radon particles present in the air is through testing.

Radon is a cancer-causing agent among humans, and therefore, it must be controlled in any way. No exposure to radon is considered safe given the effects it leaves behind, and because of that, continuous radon monitors are used and placed on strategic locations.

Though radon testing kits are easily available at nearby home improvement stores, some states are offering it for free as well. Given the facts, the government has also initiated The National Radon Action Plan that works on radon mitigation across the United States.

However, for a homeowner, it seems to be a problem as to where should a continuous radon monitor be placed? Because for the results to be precise and accurate, a monitoring device needs to be placed at certain places.

Not only do the homeowners use the continuous radon monitor, but it is also used by hospitals, businesses, and by the people living in areas where the exposure is high.

To keep your environment safe and to provide your loved ones to breathe in radon-free air, a continuous radon monitor is really helpful and is the need of the time.

Where should you place a radon monitor?

Even if you are in the same building or premises, the radon level will vary from point to point. To get accurate results, you need to understand how radon works and travels.

Radon is produced naturally, mainly when uranium is decomposed over a period of time. As the uranium is present in the soil, when the gas is made, it travels upwards, passing through the cracks, sealing holes, and through drainage. Coming up from the soil, it then mixes up in the air, and it builds if there is no proper ventilation or mitigation system installed at your place.

Given that, it is evident that radon at the ground level would be higher than the upper level of the building. Let’s now see what EPA suggests about the location of placing a continuous radon monitor.

Recommended placement for radon monitor

First, a continuous radon monitor should be placed in an area that is frequently used or where you spend the most time. Because it is where you will get exposed to radon if it is present. You will be alert about it if a monitor is put in place.

Other than that, a continuous radon monitor should be placed at the lowest level of your home or any other building you want to monitor the radon for. The lowest level means nearest to the ground. As the gas travels through the soil, the ground level will depict the actual value and will provide you with the right results.

If there is a basement, it is a good option for placing a radon monitor. Besides that, a radon monitor should not be placed in the kitchen, bathroom, or hallway as the results might get affected due to numerous factors.

Remember that only accurate results can save you from getting lung cancer caused by radon. If results are forged due to any reason, you will not take the appropriate measures. Thus, the location matters the most in radon testing, and you should know the suitable points to install a radon monitor. Other than the location, it is necessary that you follow further instructions as well. See here, how do you test for radon in your home?

In case results show higher than 4 pCi/L radon levels, you should immediately install a mitigation system and call a professional for help if you are not sure how to do it. Meanwhile, you can learn here the best ways to mitigate radon.


When doing a radon test, it is necessary that you know the placement instructions and are also aware of the test location. Furthermore, this article informs you about where a continuous radon monitor should be placed so that you can live and breathe in healthy air at all times. Do share the article so that we all do the proper testing and save ourselves from this cancer-causing element.