Home Improvement

Can Radon Be Vented Through a Wall?

So much has been said about radon reduction that it seems quite impossible without having a proper mitigation system installed in your place. It might be true to some extent, but we have seen that radon levels can be reduced by other means as well, and this brings up the question: can radon be vented through a wall, or is it just another myth roaming around?

Why should you vent radon?

Before we see if radon can be vented through a wall, we must understand what it is, why it builds up and why it is important to vent it outside.

Radon is a neutral, unscented, radioactive gas that comes from the likely decay of uranium in the soil. Radon gas can collect inside homes and buildings, especially in low-lying areas. This could end up being harmful to your health. It is a known carcinogen, and for that reason, it can be very dangerous for people living in a house.

The fact that radon is the major cause of cancer among people who do not smoke, and according to data shown by EPA, as many as 20000 people die each year only due to exposure to radon, causing them the deadly disease of cancer.

Can you vent radon through a wall?

Given the importance of venting the radon, it becomes necessary that you apply any method that seems appropriate to do the job. Not to get exposed to radon, one must ensure that the ventilation system is in place at all times because you cannot identify the presence of radon particles in the air unless you perform a test.

Venting radon through a wall is not an uncommon practice, and it is believed that this is going to remove the radon from the house completely. Nevertheless, it is not as simple as that.

Radon gas can be vented through a wall. That’s the good news. The bad news is that venting radon through a wall is not a do-it-yourself project, and you need a licensed professional for the job in order to get the desired results.

On the other hand, it all depends on the level of problem you are facing. If this is the first time your house is exposed to radon or if the radon level remains below 4 pCi/L in general, then venting through the wall can be really helpful, and you can do it yourself.

An easy way of doing this is by opening the windows and doors. As the air passes through, the radon will mix up with the outside air neutralizing the pressure and reducing the radon level inside the house.

Other than that, you can install HVAC fans, exhaust fans, or any other type of fan through the wall that helps exchange the air from outside.

Having said that, if the radon level exceeds 4 pCi/L, venting through a wall might not help, and you may need to call in a professional for help. Only an experienced professional can guide if venting through a wall is possible in this case or not.

How to reduce radon levels the easy way?

Depending on how high the level is, there are many different ways to reduce radon levels, and venting through a wall is one of them. It is an inexpensive way of reducing radon levels. But, to keep yourself protected in the long run, installing a radon mitigation system is the only way out, as you never know when radon enters your home unless you do the test.

Moreover, venting through a wall might not work the best because the radon levels in the soil surrounding your home will be higher than the radon gas levels inside your home. Therefore, when the radon gas is vented through the wall, it will just re-enter your home through another part of it.


By reading through the details, we can say that radon can be vented through a wall, but it is not a recommended method to do that. Whatever the case is, no level of radon is safe, and you should take steps to avoid it the best you can. Remember that Radon levels are not the same in every house. Testing for radon levels, sealing cracks in basement walls, and venting radon safely are ways to reduce exposure.