How it Works

Average Cost of Drilling a Water Well In Texas

Drilling a well is a feasible option for people living in Texas as it provides a longstanding solution to the water problems. You don’t have to depend on city water for all your water needs, plus you aren’t required to pay monthly bills. Instead, it’s a one-time investment, but what’s the average cost of drilling a water well in Texas? That we have to find out.

Cost is the most important factor in all aspects, and when you need to drill a well, it becomes more significant since you don’t want to leave the project in between. Besides, fulfilling the water requirements would require you to build a well that is constructed by following the standards so that it provides clean water for a long time.

Wells can provide residential and irrigation water for more than 50 years when they are properly maintained and cared for.

Typically, the average cost of drilling a water well in Texas is around $9,000. However, it is subject to vary with various other factors involved.

Well drilling cost per foot

Just like the rest of the world, the cost of drilling a well is driven according to per foot. For the drilling process only, it is $20 – $30 per foot for residential wells, $60 – $110 per foot for irrigation wells, and $15 – $45 per foot for geothermal wells. For the artesian wells, the cost per foot is $40 – $90.

If you go for a complete installation, the price per foot for residential wells increases up to $30 – $70.

Factors to consider when digging a well

As mentioned earlier, the price is subject to change as per the factors involved, but what are those factors? Let’s have a look.


Is it 100 feet, 300, or 1000? Surely you are going to dig a well at a level where you find water aquifers, and this is not going to be the same even if you are drilling wells at a meters distance. Typically, we categorized the depth into shallow and deep depth.

If we take an average, a well built for residential purposes goes as deep as 300 feet, but it can go much lower or higher on the condition of water availability. For example, a shallow well may only reach groundwater after 25 feet. You can check out how deep a well should be for drinking water, and you will have an idea of the well’s depth.

Shallow and deep wells have their own benefits and disadvantages. You can select the type that’s right for you. However, you should keep in mind that shallow wells tend to dry during drought, and they easily get contaminated. While on the other hand, deep wells are known to increase well yield and are less contaminated. Just like the depth, the diameter of the well is equally important.

Anyway, it’s your choice, and you should go as per the particular conditions.

Ground conditions

Not all grounds are plain or have water underground at 100 or 300 feet. You may have to go as deep as 1000 feet to find underground aquifers. For that, geological position matters a lot. Rock, heavy clay, or is it plain; the cost will increase as per the difficulty level.

Other than this, you need to see the distance from a well to your house.  Ideally, the well should be built 5 – 10 feet from your property; the greater the distance, the higher the cost.

Well permit and testing

Thankfully, there are no well permits required if you are drilling a water well in Texas, but you need to invest in testing the water quality and also to make sure you are not purposely causing any damage to the neighbor.

Water testing may cost anything around $50 to a few hundred dollars, depending on whether you are using a self-test kit or conducting it through a certified laboratory.

Depending on the test result, you may also need to set up a water filtration system.

Well pump

If you aren’t able to draw water up on the ground, then there is no benefit of drilling a well at all. For that, we use well pumps. Selecting a water well pump is crucial, especially when you do the budgeting, because there are different types of pumps available such as jet pump, solar water well pump, etc., each one has a different price tag. Moreover, they require electricity to run unless you are opting for a hand pump that operates manually.

Material cost

You just not only drill a well but complete the project so that it’s ready to supply water to your home, and that involves purchasing a variety of materials and equipment. Well caps, seals, storage tank, casing, control box, etc., are few to name. When drilling a water well, you have to keep in mind the cost of everything.


It seems like you have to figure out a proper plan when it comes to drilling a well. For as long as the average cost is concerned, typically, the average price per foot ranges from $30 – $70, but as it depends on several elements as discussed above, it can rise accordingly.

Rest assured, if you are able to find clean water, it’s all worth it, given the benefits of having a private well.