One of the commonly used terms in the construction world is fill dirt. So, there are high chances your contractor will come to you and mention something about the fill dirt. When that time arrives, it’s best to be informed about the situation. That is the point of this essay. It covers everything you need to know about it. So, without much ado, let’s discuss as much as possible about construction fill dirt.

The Meaning of Construction Fill Dirt
Before getting deep into the discussion, let’s look at the basics. As the name suggests, fill dirt is the substance used to build up the ground or fill holes before, during, and after construction. Some of the components of fill dirt include gravel, sand, and clay, to mention a few. Its primary source is the substrata, commonly referred to as subsoil. This layer is about 6 inches below the earth’s surface.
You probably wonder why one needs to dig deeper, whereas the topsoil can also do the same job. As much as that’s somehow true, remember that it is a long-term project. The topsoil contains biological or organic components bound to decompose over time.
Consequently, there are high chances of such fill dirt shifting and settling eventually. It would mean needing fill dirt all over again. In extreme cases, the shifting may also affect the foundation adversely. So, do you see why contractors choose subsoil instead of topsoil?
The Importance of Construction Fill Dirt
There are several uses of fill dirt worth mentioning. One of the common uses is in construction sites. It comes in handy when dealing with low-lying areas. Since they are prone to flooding, fill dirt raises the foundation, thus avoiding such scenarios. In addition to that, it can also correct drainage.
You have also seen highway shoulders. Again that’s the work of fill dirt as it ensures their buildup is consistent. That’s something crucial in highway maintenance, no doubt.
Use it to fill in spaces surrounding pipelines and other underground utilities. It is also ideal for building hardscapes, sidewalks, and paved roads, among other permanent structures.
Besides that, you can also use them during landscaping. Most water features, including waterfalls and pools, require earth structures and pools. Their role includes breaking up the level area,which is important for providing the landscape with amazing textures. You can rest assured that construction fill dirt will get that job done excellently.
For instance, use it when steep terracing hillsides, creating landscaping mounds and beams, or eliminating any low spot in your yard. Last but not least, use it to make the small raised flower beds for a beautiful homestead.
Advantages of using Construction Fill Dirt
You stand to reap benefits if you use fill dirt during your construction. They include the following;
⦁ Fill dirt is quite affordable
⦁ It is also readily available
⦁ It packs well, thus retaining its shape for a long time since it lacks organic materials which could biodegrade as time goes by
⦁ Its versatility makes it ideal for landscaping, utilities, pipes, and foundations projects
⦁ It is suitable for adding rolling hills and leveling out yards
Various Types of Construction Fill Dirt
Having discussed the various uses of fill dirt, it is now time to tackle its different types. Let’s get started.
⦁ Fill Sand
Its main component is fine rock particles. After all, sand is formed by weathering rocks over a long period, followed by erosion. If you want to improve drainage, use fill sand in those wet places. It is ideal for places where drainage is vital, including ponds and septic tanks. Besides good draining, it also boosts water percolation. As you use it, keep in mind that it is prone to displacement and shifting due to its loose nature.
⦁ Topsoil
This fill is suitable for landscaping when dealing with low spots in your yard. One of the advantages of using this fil dirt under these circumstances is that it is organic, containing nutrients. So, it supports plants and grass perfectly.
⦁ Clean Fill
Once mentioned, rest assured that the fill dirt will have neither detectable contaminants nor rocks. That doesn’t come as a surprise given the term clean fill. However, clean fill may have different meanings depending on its components. For instance, if it is subsoil, clean means it lacks contaminants. On the other hand, if it comprises asphalt paving materials, gravel, bricks, or concrete pieces, the word clean means that the content doesn’t endanger groundwater. Equally important, the materials are inert and not fire hazardous.
⦁ Rock Fill
Unlike the other types of construction fill dirt, this one contains big rocks. Their sizes are usually bigger than a football. This is the most suitable solution if you have deep openings that need filling. These large rocks are also commonly used in landscaping yards.
The article has left no stone unturned as far as construction fill dirt is concerned. It has tackled a lot from the meaning to the importance of the same. It has also discussed its advantages and the various types of fill dirt. Now that you are wiser choosing the right type for your construction project will be a breeze.